What is IDAC?
Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC) draws members from parents to represent our school at district level climate assessment/problem-solving meetings. The primary purpose of the Intercultural Diversity Advisory Council (IDAC), originally formed in 1988 as the Intercultural Advisory Council, is to assist in the formation and review of policies that assure non-discriminatory practices in all operational areas of the Clovis Unified School District. Its further mission is to assist in improving the cultural environment of the District.
Weldon's IDAC committee will have 4 IDAC meetings this year to continue to build cultural competency.
All meetings are at 3:30 pm in the Library
Meeting dates:
Quarter 1: September 19
Quarter 2: January 14 -MOVED TO 1/13
Quarter 3: March 11
Quarter 4: May 13
Every Monday, Weldon features one country during morning announcements. This includes facts about that country and music played during recess. The display case in front of the office also highlights various cultures and people groups in our communities. Our students really enjoy learning about other cultures while fostering a new appreciation for those around them.
The GOAL in this area is to improve the classroom and school-wide cultural experiences for all Weldon students and families. This is done by evidence of classroom experiences, as well as the visible evidence in and around the school facility.
Multicultural Monday
Multicultural Monday: Every Monday, a new country will be featured during the morning announcements, including the countries music, and fun facts about that specific country. Additionally, during all lunch recesses, a variety of cultural music from around the world will be played for the students.
Multicultural Awareness
Cafeteria Bulletin Boards will feature our ethnic diversity at Weldon. Our Multicultural Coordinator staff member will collect and feature lessons created by staff during the school year.
Weldon Hosted a Multicultural Fair to expose staff and students to various cultures foods, history, customs, etc.
The Weldon IDAC committee will look for and evaluate evidence of the Weldon community going beyond the minimum criteria listed in this focus area. This will demonstrate evidence of a deeper level of understanding and appreciation of a deep, systemic multicultural education for all children.
Weldon will be partnering with The Positivity Project for character education school-wide. The Positivity Project (P2) is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering students to build strong relationships and to understand, appreciate, and exemplify character strengths in us all. The movement is based on the tenets of Positive Psychology. Daily quotes from our POSITIVITY PROJECT will be read to the entire student body every morning to promote character development.
Positivity Project
Positivity Project
5 Components of P2
Students will be exposed to an engaging and authentic challenge of making the world a better place — through the lens of improving ourselves, others, and the community. The challenge will offer personal connection, relevance, and choice.
Students will explore the topic by gathering information and researching in a variety of ways. Graphic organizers will be used to support student research and help teachers formatively support students.
Students will make or propose a unique solution that synthesizes what they learned.
Students will go through structured opportunities to reflect on their work, both formatively and summatively. Students will be encouraged to use feedback to improve the quality of their products.
Students will share their products with an audience, who will be active listeners who provide feedback
PASA and Awareness
Monthly PASA pizza-lunch meetings will be held to identify areas of concern, as well as design activities that address the needs that students see as necessary.
Weldon Support Team members will take part in the monthly meetings, as they are an integral part of the positive culture at Weldon. Site Administration, in coordination with Weldon PASA members, will report on and analyze progress being made to enhance our school climate and progress made within the PASA student group.
PASA video
Raising Awareness:
There are bulletin boards in the cafeteria focusing on diversity.
Near the office, Weldon has a display case we use to highlight various cultures or to raise awareness. Students pass this window often, so it's a perfect visual and reminder to them daily. >>
“I can sum up positive psychology in just three words — other people matter. Period. Anything that builds relationships between and among people is going to make you happy.” – Dr. Chris Peterson
The Positivity Project (P2) empowers students to build positive relationships and become their best selves by focusing on positive psychology’s 24 character strengths, including bravery, perseverance, integrity, and gratitude.
Through partnerships with Pre-K–12 schools, P2 provides resources, training, and strategies to help students understand and apply these strengths in their daily lives. This holistic approach involves students, educators, and families, creating a positive school culture that enhances both teaching and learning.
👉 Learn more about P2's founding story by watching this video.P2 Video
P2 helps students develop self-awareness, confidence, and a deeper understanding of others. By fostering positive interactions within classrooms and schools, it strengthens relationships and enhances the overall learning environment. As a result, teachers can teach more effectively, and students can learn and thrive.
📖 Explore peer-reviewed research and hear from Partner Schools here.
Family involvement plays a critical role in student success. P2 for Families provides a simple and effective way to reinforce character strengths vocabulary and encourage meaningful discussions at home.
💡 Discover all of the P2 for Families lessons here. P2 Impact
By working together, schools and families can help students develop strong character, resilience, and positive relationships—skills that will benefit them for a lifetime.