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Weldon Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Student Leadership

A group of volunteers, including children, pose for a photo after cleaning up a trail. The sign reads 'Woodbridge Trail'.

Leadership is strong here at Weldon! With over 25 candidates for fall officers, a total of 15 were elected to serve for the first semester! Our President is Robert M, and our Vice President is Emma Y.

Fall kicks off with a Leadership conference at CHS on September 27, led by the Cougar leadership! Weldon’s leadership will run the Cake Walk for the carnival on November 8,  as well as host a cake decorating contest for all ages!!! Cash prizes will be awarded to the top 3 winners!  Also this fall, we will be serving our community by cleaning up the bike trail and Treasure Ingmire Park.

Our Weldon community will enjoy BOO Grams in October and Passport spirit winners will be rewarded at the end of each quarter!! Follow the theme days! We follow our Positivity program by keeping close to the motto, other people matter!
Weldon Leadership’s theme: Building Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today!!!

Please contact Mrs. Alexander with any student council questions.